You met and most likely loathed him in Your Rhythm, but get ready to love Ace Turner in Your Echo, the next installment in the Sherbrooke Station series. The book's cover has just been revealed TODAY (woop woop!) and I am soooo excited for you to get your hands on this emotional roller coaster of a story.
So excited, in fact, that you can start reading it RIGHT NOW for FREE. Your Echo will release on September 13th, but ARCs are already available (so available,guys. So freakin' available. They're just screaming for you to pick em up and show em some love.) I would be THRILLED to have you on the team!

So a little bit about Your Echo: this is the second book in a series of standalones that follow the stories of the members in Sherbrooke Station, an alt-rock band rising to prominence amongst the backdrop of the legendary Montreal music scene. Your Rhythm, the first book, told the story of drummer Matt Pearson and music journalist Kay Fischer. Now it's time for readers to get to know lead singer and guitarist Ace Turner, who falls hard for a French Canadian meditation aficionado named Stéphanie.
Here's the official blurb:
How do you teach a rock star how to meditate? The number one question on Stéphanie’s mind sounds like the start of a bad joke, and life would be a whole lot easier if she actually knew the punch line. Her meditation coach job description said nothing about private lessons for the most infamous lead singer in Montreal, but somehow Stéphanie still finds herself sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat, right next to a pierced and tattooed music legend who’d rather be anywhere else. Meditation classes are Ace’s final chance to convince his record label that the last bender he went on really was his last. The demons that have sent him to the bottom of countless bottles might not give a damn about ‘soothing rhythmic chanting,’ but it’s either this or game over for his career. He’s not what she wants. She’s not what he’s looking for. Yet somewhere amidst all the incense fumes, the lines between student and teacher get blurred. Even as their deep breathing exercises become nights filled with panting and gasps, Stéphanie can’t ignore the darkness that never quite leaves Ace’s eyes. It’s a darkness she knows far too well, and if she’s not careful, the cost of helping Ace find his way might just be losing herself.
This is possibly the most emotional story I've written to date (but don't worry, that signature rom-com flare is still a part of the book) and I can't wait for the world to meet these characters and dive even deeper into Sherbrooke Station's world.