I think that for most people, a love of books is usually accompanied by a love of cozy places in which to read them. Ask a bookworm what their dream home would look like and you're likely to spend the next ten minutes listening to an in-depth description of the gigantic library they've been planning out in their head for years.

I see the above photo pop up on my Instagram feed all the time, and every time I do all I can think is "SO. ACCURATE." I definitely find myself daydreaming about floor to ceiling shelving units shelving units every now and then.
The lovely folks at Arhaus have several collections perfect for a"dream reading space," so naturally I jumped on the chance to use their stuff as a mental launch pad for (figuratively) planning out my own. This may or may not have been used as an excuse to spend too much time on Pinterest, but regardless of my dubious motives, I've compiled some inspiration and a few "must haves" for a drool-worthy book nook.

Clockwise from top left:
I really like the idea of having a closed in little hideaway you can escape to for reading time. This one has a kind of boho chic look that's really cool, and I love how you use the ladder to get up to it. Image found here.
As any book lover knows, cozy blankets are a must. I found this particular one on Etsy.
Another alcove. This one has a cottagey feel to it with the wooden beams. I can imagine curling up here with some classic lit. Image found here.
Besides the books themselves, I think seating might be the next most important part of a quality book nook. Just look at this Arhaus couch. It looks like how sitting on a marshmallow would feel.
This room looks so cool! I love the combination of the huge window and the full length bookshelves. I could see myself spending waaaay too much time on that bench. Image found here.
Ample lighting is an obvious necessity, and it might as well be stylish too! I'm not usually a chandelier person, but I like the modern edge on this one from Arhaus. They have a bunch of other cool ones here.

Clockwise from top left:
No book nook is complete without at least one piece of nerdiness! THESE BOOK ENDS ARE SO AMAZING. #lotr4life #yesijustsaidthat. I found them on Etsy.
Forget university degrees or salaries; I think I'll feel like I've finally made it in life if I one day own a bookshelf with a ladder. This one from Arhaus is super cool and could definitely be combined with some seating for a very nook-like space indeed.
Hanging lights are just really cool, okay? This one from Arhaus has an antique vibe going on that would work well with a rustic kind of space.
THIS ROOM. I just want to flop down on one of those couches forever. Also it has a bookshelf ladder. You see what I mean? How could you not feel accomplished owning a room like this? Image found here.
Bookish wall art? Check. This one is from Etsy.
Obviously you have to toss some pillows onto your couch/chair/bench/lounging piece of choice. And why not decorate your room full of books with accessories covered in even more books?! Another gem off Etsy.
So there you have it! I apologize in advance to any bookworms who may have just found themselves caught up in a half hour reading room fantasy. I for one am now in the mood for some decorating. Or reading. Or reading about decorating!
Have you got your dream book nook all planned out? I'd love to hear what yours look like! Feel free to drop a comment below.