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T'is the Season!

Katia Rose

I know I sound cliche when I say this, but I can't believe how fast December is flying by! I'll admit I've been in a bit of a writing slump lately. My next full length novel is due to be released in the spring, but after some time off from writing several thousand words every single day, starting from zero and getting back into things was a bit tough.

To regain some of my old momentum, I decided to start with something a bit smaller that focused on characters I already knew well. Which brings us to the announcement of the day...

There's a new holiday short story featuring Hailey and Jordan from 'Latte Girl' available for FREE right here on the Katia Rose site!

*Cue the triumphant Christmas music*

(Is triumphant Christmas music even a thing?)

A lot of 'Latte Girl' readers mentioned how much they wished Hailey's little sister and Jordan had had a chance to meet and interact. I loved the idea as soon as I heard it, and it was sort of my main inspiration for the writing of the story. Rest assured that there's plenty of those typical dorky Amanda moments to be found.

Head on over here to download a free PDF.

I loved having the chance to visit the characters again and I hope you will too!


If you haven't met Hailey and Jordan yet, or if you know someone who you're sure would like to, 'Latte Girl' is available for ZERO DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS on Amazon for the next five days!

Yep, that's right. It's totally free! Here's the link to one-click it right now.

As for what the rest of December holds, I'm pulling a typical last minute move and haven't even started my shopping yet, so all that writing momentum I've built up is probably going to take a bit of a dip again...

I hope everyone else's holidays are fantastic! Stay safe and warm (or cool, depending on where you are in the world) and if you've been procrastinating a bunch like me, get out there at get 'er done!

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