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A Table! Of Contents!

Katia Rose

Up for today on the 'Thigh Highs' pre-order week schedule is a special look at the novel's table of contents, the most exciting kind of table there is!

The story is told from a dual POV and split into four parts, each told from either Christina or Aaron's perspectives. That sounds more like a formal description in a book report than something to get stoked about, so let's move on to the best part of this post: the chapter list!

Part One: Christina

1. The Douche King

2. Highway to Hell

3. Listen to the Music

5. Suit Up

6. Strip

Part Two: Aaron

7. Top of the Class

8. Truth or Dare

9. The Camera Loves You

10. Big Day

Part Three: Christina

11. Booty Call

12. Focus

13. Brand Represenattitve

14. Man in the Middle

15. Under the Spotlight

Part Four: Aaron

16. A Thousand Words

17. A Right Divine Mission

18. Meu Idiota

19. Sunrise

Epilogue: Christina

So what are my favourites, you ask? It depends, is my answer. 'Listen to the Music' and 'Man in the Middle' were fun to write in regards to comic relief. Gotta love Yulia. Any of the photo shoot scenes were also a highlight, and 'A Right Divine Mission' was another one I really enjoyed and could totally see playing out in my head like a movie.

Got a personal favoutite, or a chapter name that caught your eye? I'd love to know. Hit me up in the comments section below.

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